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About Toby

Healing Stones

Queer, Disabled, and Neurodivergent Friendly * Trauma Informed


My Credentials

I am an Ordained Minister in the Universal Life Church.

Everything I do in private practice and teaching is a part of my spiritual ministry

and part of my service to Divine Love.


I am a Certified Master Teacher of the following:

Traditional Usui Reiki, 2012

Usui Reiki Ryoho, 2014

Samurai Reiki, 2021

Karuna Ki, 2021 (I don't teach this modality)


I am a Certified Practitioner of the following:

Animal Reiki Levels I and II, 2009-2010

Access BARS, 2019


I have education and training in the following:

massage and bodywork (specifically deep tissue massage,

myofascial release (MFR), aromatherapy,

trigger point, and craniosacral)*

qi gong



guided meditation and self-hypnosis

neurolinguistic programming

EFT/TFT (tapping)

life coaching

Martial Arts (including shorin ryuu karate,

tae kempo jiujitsu, aikido, and Shinkendo)

Other forms of Reiki (Sacred Flame,

Grief Reiki, Trauma Reiki, and more)


I have a decade or more of professional experience

in the following:

Tarot and oracle card reading, animal communication, channeling,

mediumship, dream interpretation, crystal therapies, angel therapies, 

pendulum work, Wicca and the practice of magick, 

working with my and my clients' angels and spirit guides,

 breathwork, astral projection, psychic protection, and more...



*The State of California does not currently require certification or licensure to practice massage.

I have training and experience, but am not a certified massage therapist.




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Reiki Therapy
Assorted Crystals
My Philosophy

My Philosophy

Gay Teens
Energy Healing

Inclusivity Statement:


I am educated about and have extensive life experience with racial issues and social justice, poverty and classism, feminism, mental illness, queerness, disability, chronic illness and chronic pain, neurodivergence, and trauma. I myself am a queer, disabled, AuDHD spoonie with a history of trauma, with a mixed-race disabled spouse and kid. I get it. There's no shame in any of this. There is a lot of injustice and oppression from society that

makes our lives harder than they need to be--

but in my practice I want you to be and feel safe.


My practice is educated about and proud to serve the neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ communities, people with disabilities, people living with mental illness, people with chronic pain, and people of all races and religions (Black Lives Matter). I am educated about and deliberately avoid cultural appropriation, especially of Black and Indigenous cultures (and I have silk pillowcases on request). If you are a member of a minority community and have any concerns about me or my practice, I will gladly receive your feedback, learn better and do better.

And if you need or would like any accommodations due to any disability, sensitivity, trigger, or any  other concern (which I am happy to hear about, but will otherwise mind my own business and take your word for it), please let me know and I will make them.


My goal is for you to be truly safe and comfortable

because you matter

and so you can get the most out of our time together.



My Philosophy on Energy Work


So many of us harbor old wounds and unresolved trauma in our darkest, least conscious spaces, which can have an impact on every area of our lives and selves. It often comes out for healing on the table in a Reiki session. This can lead to deep healing journeys and the permanent resolution of problems that have persisted for years or decades. The experience can be gentle and subtle, or intense and awe-inspiring. Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) goes wherever it's needed most, flows exactly as much as is needed, and can safely be combined with any other holistic modality or medical treatment. Everyone's healing journey is unique.


Mind you, I'm not in there digging up your traumas. I don't need anything in particular to happen in a session, and I'm not thinking about you as someone who is broken and in need of fixing. You are invited to be exactly as you are. I'm just there to hold safe, loving, therapeutic space, and to support whatever natural healing processes want to happen inside you. Reiki creates a safe, loving space for rest, relaxation, and repair to begin happening, and it's up to you (and your inner physician, Higher Self, subconscious, etc.) what happens in that space.


I have studied trauma extensively throughout my own life and career. I am a survivor of abuse, major illness, and disability-creating injuries. I grew up around a lot of mental illness, self-harm, and suicidality, and I understand the challenges and can help support clients who struggle with these issues. And I have taken educational hours from some of the leading experts in the psychiatric and psychological treatment of mental health so I can run a trauma-informed practice. I'm not a doctor or any kind of mental health practitioner, and I don't diagnose or treat trauma or mental illness. But I do know how to safely support people who are living with it, and how to facilitate your own natural healing processes when trauma emerges in-session. 


 I know how to support the release of trauma from the body and energy field (through yoga, bodywork, energy work, and Reiki), and support integration of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. My work often goes hand-in-hand with the cognitive therapies practiced by my clients' mental health practitioners, and makes an excellent compliment to therapy and counseling. 


Eyes Closed
Prosthetic Leg
Reiki Treatment
My Practice

My Practice

Yoga Session

I have 3 basic types of sessions available:

energy healing sessions

life coaching



In an energy healing session, you relax fully clothed on a massage table (or however else we can help you relax and be comfortable), while I check in with how your body and energy field are doing, and find and help whatever inside you is asking for support and healing. It's a very gentle and relaxing process; some people experience sensations of mild tingling, heat, cold, or pleasant humming or buzzing, or the sensation of wind or magnetism against their skin, and some clients merely feel deeply relaxed, like they had a good massage. Sometimes experiences, sensations, or emotions that have been trapped in the body tissues or in the energy field may release and integrate. Unresolved trauma may emerge, and I'm trained in how to support you gently and safely through the process of self-healing and integration if that happens. You may also find that receiving this work inspires deep spiritual experiences, self-discovery, personal growth and positive transformation.


In a coaching session, you sit with me in a safe, sacred, private space. You share about what's troubling you or where you feel stuck spiritually, and I will listen, ask questions, and guide you through meditations to help you tap into your deep inner truth and wisdom. From there, we can explore and heal your deepest, innermost world, and learn about you (and if you like, explore your gifts, life purpose, spiritual helpers, relevant past lives, and more). We can also uncover where and why you're blocked; discover what you truly need and want; help you heal, release, or resolve whatever is stopping you; and create a roadmap that leads you to the life you've always secretly wanted. I am a gentle and kind coach, helping you expose and release subconscious resistance, find the resources and means to reach your goals, and realign your motivation and power, as you design, create, and manifest whatever you've identified that you want. (If you want someone to kick your @ss, hunt you down, and hold you accountable, you're looking for someone else.)


In lessons, we sit in a safe, sacred, private space together. We'll talk about what you want to learn, your goals, and your (and my) relevant experience with it; and then together we'll explore and train whatever you want to develop. The first session is a consultation where we identify what you want to learn, where you're at with it already, and how I can help; subsequent sessions are for training and exploration. Like music, dance, or sports lessons, energy work is something that takes practice over time to develop your strength, stamina, and skill levels. It will be up to you how much you practice, and how quickly you advance. It will also depend on what you want to learn; some things are simpler, or will come more easily to you, than others. We will start with making sure you have a safe, solid foundation, and then begin exploring your unique gifts, talents, and aptitudes as you train your chosen skill or modality.

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My Teaching

Massage room

I teach energy healing modalities privately, one-on-one or in small groups if you have friends or family you want to learn with. You can study traditional Usui Reiki, where you learn about the hara system, the Reiki symbols and mantras, distance sessions, energetic attunements, and get certified to practice on yourself and others (at the end of Level I you can start your own business doing Reiki sessions). You can also learn Samurai Reiki and study traditional Japanese esoteric Buddhist techniques like the Kuji Kiri or Nine Cuts hand mudras. Or you can learn a more New Age approach to energy work, including working with the chakra system and layers of the aura, energy palpation techniques, and finding and clearing blocks and scars in the energy field.


I also specialize in training empaths to explore and master their own natural gift and become Sensitive On Purpose. I was once trapped in a nightmare rollercoaster of the trials and tribulations of the people around me, and have since learned how to protect myself and harness my sensitivity so that it can be the safe, loving gift it was always meant to be. I train empaths in both the basics of becoming safe and pain-free, and the advanced techniques of using your gift on purpose.


In addition to teaching privately, I also teach classes at a massage school called the Hands On Healing Institute in Tujunga, CA. Through the school I've taught classes on business and marketing for small, service-based businesses; Usui Reiki; energetic safety and hygiene; and combining Reiki with crystal therapy. I've also taught a variety of workshops all over Southern California about channeling, Reiki, psychic protection, and other energy work techniques.


Meditating in Nature


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Get Clients and Make Money

as a Holistic Practitioner!


Now on Udemy! You can find my comprehensive, beginner to money-making pro

course on Udemy! Click the link above to explore and enroll today.


Based on my 12 years of experience in the Wellness Field, I teach you:

*how to start a private practice (for cheap or free)

*how to get clients

*pricing, scheduling, space, and equipment

*attraction-based marketing

*legal and ethical concerns

*professional policies and boundaries

*how to make your own intake paperwork, document your sessions,

and run a full professional session with intake, modality, payment, and rebooking


Included is full Energy Worker Certification

in case you don't already have a modality you practice,

or if you'd like to add to your resume.



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